Seminar Reference Materials

AI as a Mirror

Step 1

Getting set up with ChatGPT

To begin, navigate to and create an account. You can either create an account from scratch, or log in with your existing Google, Microsoft, or Apple credentials. By default, your account will be on the free version of ChatGPT (3.5). This will do just fine for now, and we’ll explain the difference between GPT 3.5 and the paid GPT 4.0 during our first session together.

Having both ChatGPT and Zoom open at the same time

We’ll be asking you to interface with ChatGPT (or “Geepts” as we’ve lovingly nicknamed it) throughout the seminar. It’s important that you are able to seamlessly switch between your ChatGPT window and the Zoom call, so get yourself set up in a way that works for you. If you’re not great at keyboard shortcuts or juggling applications, perhaps you have them both open on the same screen, each taking up half of the width of your monitor (demonstrated in the following screenshot).

Be aware of the potential confusion between the GPT chat window and the Zoom chat window.

Use the Zoom chat only for sharing your thoughts and questions with us and the rest of the participants, not for your GPT prompts!

Step 2

Choosing a Generative Image Platform

In week two, we’ll begin using AI-generated images as part of the AI-assisted personal growth process. There are a few options:

  1. ChatGPT 4.0
    This is the paid version of ChatGPT, costing $20 USD per month, and it includes access to Dall-E 3 image generation for a small additional cost (tokens are needed for generating the images). You can sign up just for the duration of the course and then cancel your subscription if you’d like to try it out without too much of a financial commitment. The other major benefit of the paid version of ChatGPT is that it allows you to create custom instructions (more on that at the bottom of this webpage under “General Resources”).

  2. Bing AI
    Microsoft offers a free version of Dall-E 3 through their Bing AI platform. It performs just as well albeit much slower than GPT4.0. All you need is a Microsoft account to gain access here:

Step 3

Accessing the Vital AI Meditation Interface

  1. In your web browser, navigate to Do not use the mobile app! Through the mobile app, you’ll be forced to pay for access to the application, whereas if you go through your web browser, you can use the service for free.

  2. At the top right of your screen, click on the “Get Started” button

  3. From there, click on “Don’t have an account? Sign up” just below the purple “Sign In” button.

General Resources

  • One of the most helpful ways we have used ChatGPT for is morning and evening check-ins. Ask GPT how to journal with it to preview and prepare for the day and to review your day, by using this prompt:

    “How would you suggest that I journal with you in the mornings to preview and prepare for the day, and in the evenings to review my day?”

    If you don’t like GPT's suggestions, you can base your check-in on the questions we have used for daily journaling for years. We have found GPT's comments on our check-ins very helpful.


    How are you feeling?
    Check in with your body.
    What would you like to experience today?
    What would you like to accomplish today?
    How would you like to feel today?
    What are you grateful for?


    How are you feeling?
    Check in with your body.
    What worked today?
    What didn’t work today?
    What are you learning?
    What are you grateful for?

  • You can ask questions about how to best communicate with GPT, ask your concerns or go ahead and start your practice of a morning and evening check-in.

    Begin an interactive discussion by asking the following prompts:

    • "Give me a brief lesson in how to communicate with you."

    • "What can AI do and what can't AI do?"

    • "What are potential problems and benefits from further development and deployment of AI tools?"

    Customize this prompt: Explain a challenge you are having and ask your AI program which experts might have the best advice for you in your situation

  • If you’ve paid for GPT4.0, you have the option to give specific instructions to GPT for how you’d like it to interact with you.

    In the lower left panel there are 3 dots click that and choose "custom instructions". Custom instructions allow you to add preferences or requirements that you’d like ChatGPT to consider when generating its responses. ChatGPT will consider your custom instructions for every conversation going forward. The model will consider the instructions every time it responds, so you won’t have to repeat your preferences or information in every conversation. More information:

    Ideas for custom instructions:

    What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

    You can enter whatever comes to mind, or leave it blank for now and fill it in later. How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

    Example: I want to use you in the role of AI assistant. I'd like you to work with me in a way that is [supportive, validating, compassionate, humorous and fun loving], and model your coaching style after these personal growth teachers: [Deepak Chopra, Oprah, Joe Dispenza, Gabor Mate, Carolyn Myss, Eckhart Tolle].You can always change or add to these later.