We Start Nov 30

We Start Nov 30 •

AI as a Mirror:

Reflecting Growth & Potential

Harnessing AI's reflective power for personal evolution

Join us for our FREE upcoming seminar!

Dive into self-discovery with AI at your side.

Dive into a transformative three-week journey designed to demystify the world of Artificial Intelligence. Beginning with a foundational understanding of AI's origins and potential, participants will embark on an exploration into the future of collaborative human-AI relationships. We'll guide attendees through harnessing AI for personal growth, offering tools and techniques to amplify introspection. By the culmination, attendees will emerge equipped to leverage AI as a powerful ally in their personal growth journey, all while maintaining a healthy balance in this new-age digital symbiosis.

Starting on November 30, we'll meet for three 1-hour sessions, each Tuesday at 10am PT / 1pm ET, to explore:

  • Enlisting ChatGPT as your ally in personal development

  • Building a mindful rapport with AI

  • Crafting prompts that unlock self-awareness

  • Developing personalized check-in routines

  • Embracing generative writing for deeper insight

  • Steering clear of common AI pitfalls

Register Today

This seminar is absolutely free to attend.

Special Offer: Get the recording for free if you attend all three sessions and fill out our feedback forms after each session.

What we’ll cover:

Week One

Understand generative AI & how to relate to it

Explore what generative AI is and isn't, and the foundational aspects of creating your relationship with AI.
Discover the importance of setting boundaries, understanding AI's role as a collaborator rather than a replacement, and learn how to tailor AI interactions for personal needs. Explore basic concepts for daily journaling practices with Large Language Models (LLMs) like Chat GPT, Bing, and Claude. Learn a simple journaling practice to enhance your life. Conclude with an interactive Q&A session to address participant curiosities.

Week Two

Learn various journaling processes with AI assistance

Dive into the transformative power of journaling and how AI can enhance this age-old practice. Learn to craft effective prompts, harness AI for deeper insights, and discuss the vital importance of privacy and data security. Learn time-tested and proven journaling theory and techniques (Morning Pages, Sentence Stem Technique, Bullet Journal, etc) End with a guided AI-assisted journaling session.

Week Three

Harness AI tools for holistic personal growth

Explore the myriad ways AI is reshaping the personal growth landscape. From wellness and meditation aids to personalized learning experiences and habit formation tools, understand how AI can be seamlessly integrated into daily life for enhanced personal development. Conclude with reflections on envisioning a future where AI can be used to continually support human potential.